My Perspective on Astrology
I became convinced of the veracity of Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology) when i consulted a couple of reputed astrologers from the USA and India and had chart interpretations given for me. My life up to that time had been a very tumultuous and tragic story of family cut off, progressed drug addiction, wayward criminal life, abject poverty, homelessness, and incomprehensible demoralization. I had miraculously been plucked from this hell through the kindness of strangers and a confluence of auspicious circumstances that somehow set me onto a reversal of fortune. I seemed to have just suddenly had doors of rehabilitative opportunity open for me and I willfully strode through them and underwent a transformation that led me to doing a respectable grip of service work in the community in the arena of housing and rehabilitative support , and onward to achieving a graduate school education and a career as a mental health therapist. This extreme arc of life events was unexplainable to me. I could appreciate the renewed life that I had found but could not understand why I had been a passenger on that crazy train of eventful suffering and why or how it was that such providential change found me. But these learned astrologers were able to illustrate all of it for me, readily decoding the miraculous nature of it all through their sophisticated divination system. Through their interpretive lens I could make sense of my life experience enabling me to retroactively enchant the suffering that I endured and too look toward the future with a reverence for the cosmic intelligence that is weaving the destiny of all life and all things and an awe for the creation that governs itself in this elegant measuring of time, potentia, and events made visible in the Eye of the Veda — Jyotisha.
I have provided a condensed overview of my horoscope that emphasizes the chronology of my fall and rise in life. I think you will appreciate the uncanny astrological markers delineated therein. Please click on the link below to see that video presentation.